Update 2


A single declaration of love changes everything! Will Amaterasu be able to maintain her friendships, or lose them forever? Will cherished memories sour, or will she find the strength and resolve to overcome her troubles?

We have a patch that fixes a few things; see below for the full list. 1. English/Russian version: Corrects multiple typos and grammatical errors. The text is greatly improved. Many thanks to the players МИЗАНТРОП и Chudah. 2. At the request of players: The frequency of finding characters on locations increased. You will find a character twice as fast! 3. Small game optimization 4. Unfortunately, the update will definitely corrupt save files, so you’ll need to restart the game. However, you can quickly get back to where you were, using the “Skip text”. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you very much for playing Typical! ^.^ [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33322699/663c5b1ab9b865ad3ca09b63eabe7c2fa24a4507.png[/img]