Update #12

Pixel Gladiator

Distant future… Brutal gladiatorial battles is a top-rated show, extremely popular all over the Universe. You’ve been sent to the abandoned planet as one of the participants of the show. Your goal is to survive as long as possible, fighting back deadly creatures in the focus of billions of viewers.

Hello, people! [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26941642/02afb3404d81d7b5967d03d60f072ad99486ecf0.gif[/img] According to the feedback, you guys are asking for more main game content. So, here it is. This update brings a whole new enemy generation pattern in the game. (Previously there was only 3 of them) As usual, new content added in survival mode. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26941642/5fae66a14696b77cbe834b99112f4148d42454e4.png[/img] So, here is what we have: -New enemy generation pattern -Five new enemies -New boss -Two absolute new enemy types (drone carrier and instant artillery) -bug fixes [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26941642/07f123c5713a6f26e12cbb488823c4013f1a4640.png[/img] Thank you guys for your support! Without your help Pixel Gladiator could not become what it is now. Wish you all the best in the coming new year. Regards, Durbek Developer of PG