Update 11 - BOSS BATTLES!


A thrilling combination of violence, extreme gore, amazing graphics, simple controls, fun and humor. When you find yourself trapped in a mysterious house being overrun by the dead you do what anyone would. Slaughter them, collect their organs, build some guns and kill some bosses.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8734984/0b7fe74fb2e5f3297203fcc07e95abf7739b4c56.png[/img] [h1]Update 11[/h1] It's the BOSS BATTLES Update! But it's so much more! You can now change faces during gameplay. Between rounds, various face crates will appear, that if selected will change your face to the face inside. The only catch is you don't have a choice, once the box is opened your future fae is inside. On the bright side, you'll get full life and the more faces you switch to in game, random, at times nonsensical tidbits of the storylinw will told. This is also the last update before the full release (barring any gamebreaking bugs that need immediate attention) You can still pick your start face in this beta, but thats more for testing the faces. in the full version that won't be a part of the main game, but I might add it back in for some sort of Arcade Mode(?) Back to the BOSS BATTLES! You'll notice by every door there is now a light. When the light is lit, that room is where a boss will be active in the next round. This let's you run away from, or chase boss battles. If you stay in the same room there is also a 1 in 12 chance that your current room will be the next boss battle, you just won't know it until it starts :) Full update log below- [b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Added the 12 boss battles [*]You can pickup the boss face if you defeat them (12 new faces) [*]You can change your face in game `with face crates [*]3 Keys to open room 13 have been added (but you still can't open the door until the full release) [*]Each door has a light indicating next boss location if lit [*]You can now throw a melee weapon that you picked up at anytime when using a controller [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*]Created a "ramp up"in the zombie activity in the early rounds [*]Adjusted the life amount of the faces to remove some advantages of faces that made the game too easy [*]The Magnetized face now has a timer [*]Lights out rounds are spaced out and a random occurances [/list] [b]Environment[/b] [list] [*]Opened up room 3 a bit more to allow for better flow [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Minor graphic fixes [*]Flamethrower Killtraps now work [*]Objects that previously didn't now pause when paused [*]Player character can't fall trhough floor now [*]Enemies can't fall through floor now [*]many many......MANY more minor bug fixes. [/list] Enjoy!