Update #1: Oh, we need this!


Forget about the rules, there are none here. Just you, your weapon and the endless, ominous wastelands waiting for you to plunge into them. So, are you ready to become a predator among predators? Then welcome to H.E.N.T.A.L.K.E.R.. It will hurt, but damn it will be fun!

We were happy about the release and that’s enough, it’s time to work again. We looked at your reviews and video walkthrough and laughed and rejoiced. Thanks for the feedback, we finished the beer and finished the update. [list][h3]Namely:[/h3] [*] Added the sound of pistol firing; [*] Enemies have become a little more durable (like, who knows); [*] Added a new surprise (hehe, be careful); [*] The time before the text disappears has been increased (I hope you will now have time to read everything); [*] The main menu has been slightly changed visually; [*] Added graphics settings in the main menu (maybe it will increase your FPS); [*] Fixed a bug when you could exit to the main menu and the interface would freeze; [*] Fixed a bug when you finished the game and the health bar was transferred to the main menu; [*] Visual changes on the map; [*] Fixed minor bugs (you may not have found them, but I did :C). [/list] Thank you for playing our game and especially leaving your feedback, this will help us make the game better for you. We are waiting for feedback from you again. [url=https://discord.gg/WH6VjFWyZ8]We are on Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/whowear22701559]We are on Twitter (X)[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45006541/a8fd25c2bcf6ebbbc6d6b3e829e84abd020aacd4.jpg[/img]