Update #1 is here!

Winter Survival: Prologue

Experience survival in harsh winter conditions and our sanity system and see what happened before the events in Winter Survival take place.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43052229/1e948899dd3bce93e103974af745c151206829e3.png[/img] The first update for the Winter Survival Prologue is here. Please be advised, that due to the nature of some the tweaks we did, the patch notes [b]contain some spoilers[/b]. [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] You should no longer be able to be “dropped” out of the world by jumping on the falling rocks near the canteen area. [*] We added extra hiding bushes and adjusted the wolves slightly in the Trolley Stop Station area / pond area. [*] Added few extra boards and collision areas on the bridge that should prevent people from missing the end sequence on the "Cross the Bridge" quest if they approach it slowly rather than quickly. [*] Quickslot items can no longer be used while sleeping. [*] Disabled interaction with torches in the Wolf Cave until the quest to prevent getting blocked on quests if you go there early. [*] Fixed an issue allowing you to keep the flashlight on if you stored it in a storage box. [*] Smoking a cigarette should remove nicotine craving properly now. [*] Rosa Fruit now stacks to 99 instead of 1. [*] Fixed a bug where you could stay in slow motion if you died in slow motion after being reset by Quick Reset Point. [*] Disabled VR plugin from starting SteamVR at start of the game. At least we hope we did, we can’t properly test it until Monday. Please let us know in the comments if there is still an issue. [*] Added option to the Display settings to limit FPS by choice. By default it is now set to 60. (You can use this + resolution scale in Graphics settings to keep GPU usage at your preferred rate. If unlocked, it will try to use all GPU it can. [/list] [h3]Balancing[/h3] [list] [*] Reduced insanity gain from being sleepy and tired from 3.0 to 1.2 per cycle. [*] Energy, Hunger, and Thirst 'bad' states now begin at much lower % [mostly around 35% instead of 50%], meaning insanity 'gain' will not start as quickly. This should result in you having a much easier time managing your sanity. [*] We adjusted the stats slightly based on community feedback - we will be adding 'Hard' difficulty in the future for the settings that were active before the fixes: [*] Normal Difficulty: Adjusted Thirst (-19%), Hunger (-14%) and Energy (-20%) to decay slower. [*] Easy Difficulty: Adjusted Thirst (-23%), Hunger (-20%) and Energy (-40%) to decay slower, and sprinting to drain less Energy (-50%) so that sprinting around won't get you sleepy as fast. [*] Running no longer consumes extra energy. [*] Compared to the 'normal mode' the values are roughly 50-60% easier across the board and closer to original Demo values. [/list] [h3]UI[/h3] [list] [*] Added the functionality to go back from difficulty selection screen when pressing New Game with a Right Mouse Button click. [*] Items in a Quickslot should properly update their amount on the Action Bar when the action bar is enabled in Options and items are being thrown (like Rocks). [*] Added a note on the main menu that prologue is not the full game… [*] Removed the objective marker when approaching Mike after the Wolf Cave to make the sequence easier to see. [*] Fixes to the Journal so that it shows proper quest names, objectives and list the journal entries with newest on top. [*] Fixed a bug with the Resolution Scale setting that was resetting randomly when opening the in-game menu. [*] Social Media buttons, Survey and Community Discord links have been added to the Main Menu for extra contact for feedback. [*] Various icons for items have been adjusted (mostly spoiled items). [*] Removed doubled "Motion Blur" sliders from options. [*] Removed "Drop Item" information from items that can't be dropped. There is still a secondary issue with keybindings related to Drop Item, that we will be fixing in future. Currently it is hardcoded to "O" or "D" - depending on which version you had at start). [*] Fixed an issue that caused some keybinding to not update in the UI correctly during gameplay. [*] Fixed an issue that caused havoc to the UI when using extremely long profile names. [*] Fixed an issue that caused the game to not remember all key binding correctly when key binding have been reset back to defaults. [/list] [h3]Sounds[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with certain sounds that are important for the player (wolves nearby or bear roars) weren't playing if you had inventory open. [*] Reduced the intensity of high pitch sounds during Instinct Mode. [*] Added voiceline barks when low on stats to bring extra attention (this can be disabled in the gameplay options, if it is deemed annoying). [/list] [h3]Languages[/h3] [list] [*] Minor text fixes in English. [*] Various localization fixes for several languages (more to come). [/list]