Update (1.7.8)

Chained Together

From the depths of hell, climb chained to your friends through diverse worlds. Solo or co-op, try to reach the summit and discover what awaits you there...

Hello everyone! We've just uploaded an update (1.7.8). [list] [*] We've fixed certain achievements that weren't activating (like the one for the temple). [*] We've created a new section in the leaderboard linked to [b]Speedrun.com[/b] that displays runs validated by the community. [*] We've corrected the rotation speed of platforms in "The Asian Shrine" level. [*] We've added translations for Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. [*] [b]Not all elements have been translated yet, but we will address them progressively with updates.[/b] [/list] If you encounter any difficulties or issues in the game, please don't hesitate to discuss them with us on Discord (bug-report section). Thank you and have fun!