Update 1.5.5


Modular audio/music environment with accessible visual programming style and infinite possibilities to create your own sound and style.

[previewyoutube=MT39PhccUc4;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] [h2]New objects types:[/h2] - [b]Brush [/b]: Pointer-like monophonic instrument from defined MIDI input. Any MIDI device with at least few CC and Note controls can act as a strange Ouija theremin. - [b]GamePad [/b]: USB (and possibly wireless) gamepad's controls can be turned into CV and trigger messages. Check and refresh connected devices from program's Control settings. - [b]Arcade [/b]: A gamepad-controlled vector sequencer. See it's manual how it works. [h2]Changes & Fixes:[/h2] - [b]Monitor [/b]: Added various output modes, to block CV or Trigger or both signals. - [b]Model [/b]: Improvements to model excitation. - [b]Tuning editor[/b] : UI changes and new feature for moving both up and down with added intervals. - Various UI fixes [h3]New Example project : "Maqam arcade" for gamepad controller (also in Demo version)[/h3]