Update 1.450.181027 Russian localization is now available!

The Vagrant

Guide Vivian the Vagrant, through vibrant and dynamic landscapes while hacking and slashing a path from a quiet coastal village through mysterious forests, haunted castles, and wrecked battlegrounds. When the endless barrage of enemies have been vanquished, what solace will be left for our hero?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28783978/b53eb3538d549af2f6788c8bc622bb9fc7b1a531.jpg[/img] [b]Thanks to our lovely and supportive communities. Now The Vagrant is translated into Russian![/b] Special thanks to 2bl [to better localization], Antipin Vladimir and Varavin Mikhail for their hard works and effort to make this possible. We’ve also fixed some spelling mistakes in this update. Regarding the missing folder in the Cosplay album, the photoshoot for Vivian's cosplay is delayed but it will be there. We are really sorry for unable to deliever the content on time, but we will do our best to complete the cosplay album content soon as we can. Thank you all very much! Why not join our DISCORD server to follow the other localization’s progress and try the test patch before release? Participate in the discussion of our next project with us! Official Discord: https://discord.gg/3PNWMC9 Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/OTKGames