Update 1.30: sprinting, skipping mini-games, and more!

Transient: Extended Edition

H.P. Lovecraft meets Cyberpunk. Delve deep into a dystopian world and investigate what is happening to you and your friends in a domed city. Solve puzzles, hack systems and plug in to explore other dimensions. Discover a truth that might tear apart your sanity and question your very existence.

Hello everyone! Thank you for the support you've shown Transient thus far, we're happy to hear that so many of you have enjoyed our adventure. We've also received workable feedback on some aspects of the game that could be improved, and for that, we thank you as well! This update addresses some of the most common pieces of feedback, including being able to sprint from the start of the game, and skipping mini-games when you lose them. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] We introduced an option to skip both mini-games (Eldritch and Eryx). With this patch, you can choose to skip both mini-games when getting killed by the enemies. [*] You are now able to run when the game begins. [*] We introduced various stability improvements and collision fixes along with an improvement for triggering Steam achievements. [*] Specifically: collision issues were fixed for the AkeleySubCE level in which the player camera was able to penetrate into some certain walls if players had run onto them. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35131902/efe8a6072d2b2f2dbbc056f86084af73e9ae60e6.png[/img] Skippable mini-games. We've got some more stuff cooking, which we will be revealing soon™. If you got stuck on mini-games before, give Transient another go after updating! We hope you'll enjoy the changes. [h2]Connect with us to stay up to date![/h2] [url=https://www.discord.gg/iceberginteractive] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35131902/715b89189039e8237696448c36b26fb68967ce77.jpg[/img] [/url] [b]Transient[/b] • [url=https://twitter.com/StormlingStd]Twitter[/url] • [url=https://www.facebook.com/transientgame/]Facebook[/url] • [url=https://stormlingstudios.com/]Website[/url] [b]Iceberg Interactive[/b] • [url=http://www.twitter.com/iceberg_int]Twitter[/url] • [url=https://www.facebook.com/iceberginteractive]Facebook[/url] • [url=https://www.youtube.com/iceberginteractive]YouTube[/url] • [url=https://www.twitch.tv/iceberg_int]Twitch[/url] • [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/iceberg]Steam Publisher Page[/url]