[*] Added new 5 basic shields
[*] Shields can now roll with random perks
[*] Added 7 new shield perks
[*] All existing shields have been rebalanced
[*] Added a "Wishlist" button to the main menu which will open the full game's store page in Steam
[*] Added input prompts to radial menus
[*] Added "close" button to inventory, chests, and shop UIs
[*] The "pick up" action is now disabled if the item won't fit in your inventory
[*] Melee weapons now specify if they are one-handed or two-handed
[*] Fixed crash when clicking "Start" twice
[*] Fixed projectiles and summoned enemies not pausing
[*] Fixed getting staggered while charging a staff preventing switching weapons
[*] Spiders now have vocalizations and footsteps
[*] The rare quadraped enemy now has footsteps, a new attack, and waits a bit between attacks
[*] Reduced warlock walk speed
[*] Reduced default SFX volume to 50%
[*] Added option to reset all volume sliders to default
[*] Reduced player footstep volume
[*] Fixed the main options menu and pause options menu getting out of sync
[*] The "luck" sound effect now plays for most chance-based perks
[*] Ambience now fades out when switching floors
[*] The natural ambience fade-out (e.g. when not switching floors) is now more gradual
[*] Fixed amulets not being sellable
[*] Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted