Update 1.3 coming soon, prepare!

Against the Storm

A dark fantasy city builder where you must rebuild civilization in the face of apocalyptic rains. As the Queen’s Viceroy, lead humans, beavers, lizards, foxes, and harpies to reclaim the wilderness and secure a future for civilization's last survivors.

[h3][b]Greetings Viceroys![/b][/h3] We’re happy to share that Update 1.3 is coming out next week! We aim to release it on Tuesday, April 23 at around 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm UTC (subject to change based on external factors). With that in mind, we wanted to share a final sneak of the update! [hr][/hr] [h2]Update preview[/h2] So, what features can you expect from the update? Undoubtedly, the most eye-catching one is a new Dangerous Glade event - the River Kelpie. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37925331/afd91c3e74d4dfedea5b8044db3807c0db74b9c7.jpg[/img] Will you dare face it? On top of that we’re adding new perks themed around a more corruption/blight-heavy playstyle, we’re looking closely at the balance of various game elements, such as Embarkation Bonuses, Blight Post upgrades, cornerstones, and others. We wouldn’t be ourselves if we didn’t include multiple UX improvements, such as: [list][*] Precision tree marking mode [*] Improved visibility of highlighted trees [*] Clicking on goods in resource bar opens Recipe Panel [*] Ancient Seal overlay for World Map [*] Setting to enable house entrance arrows [*] And many more (let’s leave some tiny surprises, shall we?)[/list] We will release the full changelog when the update goes live. Stay tuned! [hr][/hr] [h2]Settlement Save[/h2] [b]Important:[/b] Due to numerous systemic changes, the Update will close the ongoing settlements to avoid potential issues. As compensation, you’ll receive extra Citadel Resources and Royal Resupply. If you don't want the settlement to be closed, please make sure to finish it before the update goes live. [b]Alternative (Steam only):[/b] For those of you who won’t find the time to finish the settlement before the Update goes live, we also prepared a separate branch on Steam where we’ll keep the current version for an extra week. To switch the branch, right-click on Against the Storm in your Steam library and select Properties. Then go to the Betas tab and select “Against the Storm version 1.2” from the drop-down list: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37925331/b29ad98c6c317dd276a0aed33daec1af2e3492af.png[/img] Once Update 1.3 goes live and you finish the settlement on the Beta branch, select the “None” branch to return to the main branch. [hr][/hr] [h2]Preview livestream[/h2] We invite you to join us on our [url=https://www.twitch.tv/eremitegames/]Twitch channel[/url] on Monday, April 22, at 3:00 pm UTC for a full preview of the update and a Q&A session: [url=https://www.twitch.tv/eremitegames/ style=button]Follow us on Twitch[/url] If you can’t make it, don’t fret! We'll be uploading the recording to our YouTube channel shortly thereafter. [url=https://www.youtube.com/@EremiteGames/?sub_confirmation=1 style=button]Subscribe to our YouTube channel[/url] See you soon! [b]May the storm be gentle on you,[/b] Eremite Games [i]Today’s article screenshot was inspired by [/i]Health & Safety Imp[i]’s settlement design[/i]: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3225443370 [hr][/hr] [h2]Previous Updates[/h2] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1336490/view/4194610392083937884 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1336490/view/4059501135880748462 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1336490/view/5797888151160865057