Midnight Ghost Hunt

The chaotic multiplayer hide-and-seek game. Possess seemingly harmless objects as Ghosts or chase them down as Hunters before the clock strikes midnight!

Gear up for a new wave of ghost-hunting thrills! Update 1.2 is out NOW! A new Ghost Haunt, a new Hunter Perk, new skins (and the return of an old favorite) and more; lets dive in! [h2]👀NEW HUNTER PERK: FARSIGHT 👀[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5dMsNWA.gif[/img] Farsight allows you to see corrupted and poltergeist props, as well as death grip through walls! Your max health is set to 80, and your movement speed is also slightly slower to balance it out. Use Farsight to get an early warning to your team before walking into a room filled with Ghostly traps! [h2]👻 NEW GHOST HAUNT: CONJURER 👻[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zi1EbYv.gif[/img] Conjurer allows you to spawn a random, large prop at your location as a dead Ghost. Help your friends escape those pesky Hunters by dropping a couch in their getaway path, or block a doorway with a table! [h2]✨NEW COSMETICS ✨[/h2] [h3]NEW GHOST SKIN: DEAD DUCK[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Mx29rYE.jpeg[/img] Prepare to quack under pressure with our new ghost skin, Dead Duck—it's bound to ruffle some feathers in the afterlife! [h3]RETURNING GHOST SKIN: BRIDE[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8X7Lvvi.jpeg[/img] We heard your requests, and the Bride has made her ghostly return! She is back and ready to haunt your happily ever after! The old “Bride” skin is now properly renamed Prom Queen to better match the visuals! [h3]NEW HUNTER SKIN: KNIGHT[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/f3LXx0e.jpeg[/img] Armor up and get ready to joust with the paranormal, because our new Knight Hunter skin is here! Complete with a fancy tattered cape, this new Hunter skin is sure to make an impression. [i]Caution: Does not protect against evil possessed Knights of the Mansion![/i] [h2]💵UPDATE SALE💵[/h2] If you haven’t had a try at hunting and haunting quite yet, now is a perfect time to do so! https://store.steampowered.com/app/915810/Midnight_Ghost_Hunt/ [h2]🐛BUG FIXES/QOL IMPROVEMENTS 🐛[/h2] [list] [*] Dedicated servers will now go through all 10 maps in order, rather than randomly picking the next map [list] [*]We certainly heard your feedback on this, where you may end up playing Mansion 5 times before ever seeing Mall. This should fix that problem, thanks for the feedback![/list][*] Additional checks to hopefully prevent Ghost bots from being able to possess props through walls [*] Out of bounds fixes based on your reports [*] Improve hit detection for Ghosts when trying to destroy C4 with Ghost punches [*] Minor localization fixes[/list] That's all for now, Ghosts and Hunters, until next time! 👻 -Team MGH