Update 1.2.0 now available for download

Drone Swarm

Drone Swarm is a very unique take on tactical games. Control 32,000 drones in quick, fast-paced fights. Combine your swarm abilities and counter constantly evolving attacks of your opponents. Survive varying enemy waves, get upgrades to your swarm, and make it to the next system alive!

Dear Captain, We have just released the update 1.2.0! The update includes the following changes: [b]Improvements[/b] [list] [*]Increased strength of Asteroid pushback on warp in [*]Ship names are now displayed above their healthbars [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Video playback issues for cutscenes and uprades [*]Several loca issues [*]Argo loadout should properly despawn weapons in loadout screen (e.g. switching from laser array to single laser hardpoint) [*]Crash that could occur when drones leave the sensor range [/list] Your Drone Swarm Crew