Update 1.16.4 straight from Happy herself
Happy doesn't like when her restaurant isn't running well
1 day has gone by and we have been hard at work fixing bugs to make sure you can keep cooking burgers! Good news though, we have managed quite a few little changes to make your cooking experience even better!
In this patch you will find fixes for the following:
- Eliminated an unfriendly from the restaurant area that was trespassing
- Soft lock when player picks up and throws the burger bomb right away
- V.I.C. didn't rehearse his lines well enough so we had a talk with him about that (hint system fixed)
- Modified intensity of unforseen events that can occur while cooking at the restaurant!
- Soft lock when you tried to get coffee while holding a Paragon forbidden item (keypad hacker)
- You can now store your burger bombs in your inventory. No more accidentally throwing them with the scroll wheel!
- Soft lock for being such a good employee and trying to throw ALL the trash in the game away
- Some people beat Charlie but weren't able to recive their reward! That reward is now availible in musueum if this happens to you!
- There was a couple of audio tapes that managed to slip through the cracks, but we found them! So hopefully now you can too!
- Assured that all the collectible notes are able to be observed throughly by either standing or crouching.
- Got rid of that old antenna for that broken TV in your apartment so it wouldn't obstruct that beautiful flat screen TV
- Couldn't hear V.I.C. too well, so we cranked him up to 11
- Fixed 'Traditional Chinese' translation
- People who couldn't see the path before can now see the path to freedom
- The patties in Toe's room were so spoiled that even The Fabricator didn't want them. So we made Toe throw them out
- Prevented items in certain places from doing bad things! (fixed inventory bug)
- A few other small, minor changes that only 1 person on our team understands but we are told that you will like it, so from the people who brought you Obscura biotech [i]Trust Us[/i]
That about does it as far as bugs go. We want to thank each and every one of you for your support and your understanding/patience while we work out the first day bugs! We have had a LOT of feedback, both positive and negative, and we want to make sure that we are doing our best to provide the best gaming experience that our small little team can muster.
So we have taken some of that negative feedback, strewn it about various different people/fans/players and we decided to switch some things up. We hope you enjoy!
As always, if you have any bugs/feedback/questions please don't hesitate to join our amazing, helpful community at our DISCORD server!
Have a Happy Sunday from The Barnyard Buds!
(And Scythe Dev Team, they helped a little bit)