Update 1.1 [Feb 27, 2019] Trading cards are available!


ShadowSide is a First Person Exploration game. A policeman Alex Carter has been watching over the tranquility in the town for many years. He protects the people from robbery and crime. Nothing but a routine.

[h1]Update 1.1 [Feb 27, 2019][/h1] -Added Steam Trading Cards [h1]Fifth level changes "Abandoned Village":[/h1] - Improved lighting. -Added new objects, buildings. -Added two new achievements. -Now you do not need to search for items to leave the location. Added new scenes. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31651950/e3836c488ca1d1042645cd01cc77d05a86d5a792.png[/img]