Update 1.1.3 | Patch Notes

Reporting in Commanders, The following report contains intel on some minor changes including fixes that have been deployed: [h3]Balance[/h3] [list] [*] Increased the range of Mortars to better deal with Tanks. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Siege Artillery was not dealing damage to Fort Pillboxes. [*] Fixed an issue where destroyed Fort Pillboxes would linger too long. [*] Fixed an issue where the full supply cost of an Air Mission was refunded upon refueling. There is now no refund after an Air Mission. [*] Fixed multiple issues with incorrect supply refund amounts when withdrawing Infantry and Tanks. [/list] Thank you always for your feedback. Let know about your experiences on the front here on Steam, as well as on our [url=https://twitter.com/PlayTheGreatWar]Twitter[/url] and [url=https://www.facebook.com/playthegreatwar]Facebook[/url] channels!