The Telephone

The Telephone is a first-person psychological horror game that will transport you to a world governed by anxiety. You will have to explore the house in which you are locked and the mysterious town of Lonely Plain, searching for clues that can help Roberta regain her memory.

First update for The Telephone! As work progresses on a new game scheduled for 2024, here's the first update for The Telephone, adding some interesting new features: [b]UPDATES:[/b] [list] [*] Improved the overall game graphics. [*] Added a graphic filter. Now the game is even more unsettling and enjoyable to watch. [*] Introduced focal distance. All game cinematics have been enhanced. [*] Added the ability to run even when inside. [*] Added running in the sewers. [*] Floaters are now easier to defeat. [*] Fixed minor bugs. [/list] [h2]If you have an ongoing game, this update will corrupt the save files. In the Steam settings, you can select the version of The Telephone you are playing to continue with your game.[/h2]