Update 1.1.0


A very epic and goofy winter-themed snowball fight game. Combat other players in a fast-paced first person arena shooter, play minigames to earn rewards, or fight against hordes of enemies and upgrade yourself!

What is up my fellow epic gamers. Today marks the first update for Feisty Festivities so get hyped. Here are the patch notes with amazing changes: [b]NEWLY ADDED[/b] [olist] [*]New currency [i][b]coal[/b][/i]: [list] [*]Gained from killing enemies [*]No use as of right now, but planned to be used for in-match upgrades [/list][*]XP and levels: [list] [*]Gained from killing enemies [/list][*]New default map [/olist] [b]CHANGES & QUALITY OF LIFE[/b] [olist] [*]UI changes: [list] [*]New font [*]New colour palette [*]Main menu changes [list] [*]Added hamburger icon in top left (opens sidebar) [*]Added profile button (found in sidebar) [*]Changes to background [/list][/list][*]Decreased respawn time from 5s -> 3s [*]Removed proximity chat (may add back with push to talk) [*]Jumping no longer requires you to be moving [*]Increased footstep and throw sound radius [*]Added confirmation button when joining and creating a match [/olist] If you find any issues or have any suggestions, please tell me on the discord!