Update - AI improvement & Bug Fixes

Pro Cycling Manager 2017

Become the manager of a professional cycling team and compete against today's best riders in over 200 races (500+ stages) across the world, including iconic races such as La Vuelta and the iconic Tour de France.

[img]https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/26/4/1498747802-pcm17-3.gif[/img] Hi everyone, We've just released a patch that improve AI behaviour in Pro Cycling Manager 2017, as well as various fixes and improvements. We continue to collect your feedback on issues with PCM17. Thank you for your help in making this game the best cycling manager it can be!   [h1][b]AI[/b][/h1] [b]Breakaways[/b] [list][*]AI are now less quick to react when there is an attack or an acceleration on flat areas. [*]The draft effect has been tweaked to ease a breakaway a little. Thus, it should now be a little easier to break away in Pro Cyclist mode.[/list] [b]Leaders’ behavior[/b] [list][*]Leaders will now use their energy better so their attacks will be more effective. [*]Strong leaders now stop their attack if too many riders are following.[/list] Thus, leaders should now act a bit more aggressively and more realistically. [b]Other[/b] [list][*]Selection on cobblestones is now more effective. [*]A rider is now less protected by another rider when they are "far" from each other. Protection” is now more realistic in that it was too easy to follow an attack of a rider that was already too far ahead.[/list] [h1][b]LEVEL DESIGN[/b][/h1] [list][*]California Tour stages have been updated with new graphics and actual stages and is now available in Cya World Tour[/list] [h1][b]BLOCKING ISSUES[/b][/h1] [list][*]Fixed a very rare case of blocking but in ITT when an injured rider was kicked out of a race without notifying the player.[/list] [h1][b]MINOR BUGS[/b][/h1] [list][*]Fixed a bug allowing a rider to register for a race while being ill. [*]Fixed the missing “Accept” button issues in multiplayer. [*]Fixed World Tour race news received without a wildcard. [*]Safe mode now fixes missing/glitching cursor issues. [*]Improved cursor size for high resolution (4K) [*]Missing riders pictures have now been updated. [*]AG2R team has been updated (shirts and FR/BE champions).[/list]