UPDATE 06 28 2024

Squirrels Forest Race

We are in Autumn and Winter is approaching. Squirrels need to make nut juice, their source of energy to survive in the low temperatures of the forest. Choose your favorite squirrel. Win the races and win the golden nuts, the main ingredient in nut juice. Good luck and be very, very fast.

Errors Solved by squirrel FIL, Programming specialist: - The pause menu button, in the Forest scene, was written in Portuguese, despite the language being in French. As the FIL squirrel speaks several languages, this problem was quickly resolved. (Current situation - Corrected) - When clicking to skip opening, after a few minutes in the home menu, the screen would go dark for a few seconds. When he found out about the problem, FIL was in a race and soon after finishing it, he also fixed this problem. (Current situation - Corrected) - New problems, please message FIL the squirrel, he will quickly fix it. Thank you and good fun everyone!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------