Update 04 - Day & Night!!!

Day of the Dino: Survival

Day of the Dino: Survival has players fighting against hungry Dinosaurs in the end days of The Second World War. Survive alone, or with friends in this first-person shooter.

Smallest Update so far! Feeling a little burnt out. [b]New Features[/b] - Day & Night System (This might be changed) - New Cave - New Bunkers - New Islands [b]Updates[/b] - Updated Dinos movement - Updated Island map - Updated Bunkers, caves and airship - Updated Sounds and main menu music - Updated In game UI - Updated Hills and cliffs - Updated Water to be darker [b]Fixes[/b] - Fixed Sound bugs - Fixed Player model clipping through bunkers - Fixed Some weapons not spawning - Fixed Dinos spawning in water - Fixed Quitting games not closing down - Fixed UI on some items - Fixed Frame drops on Island map Feel free to leave some much-needed feedback & suggests! - Henry (CEO of Disco Entertainment)