Update 0.9 - Mobile Playtest Coming, 23 Translations, Guide Popups

Prison Life

An online game that you'll play with 3-11 players as a Prisoner or a Guard and will try to escape or prevent escapes. Loot, Craft, and make your way to the exit, or investigate and arrest wanted players as a guard!

Hey! - Playtest version will only be for android and soon I will do also an IOS release. - The mobile version is ready but google play didn't review the game yet so once they review it, I will let you know on the discord and the community hub. [h1]New[/h1][list] [*] Mobile Playtest - Currently only for android. [*] Guide Popups - will pop while new players progress in the game - You can disable those in the settings. [*] Now translating to 23 languages! [*] When a player speaks there will be a microphone icon next to his name. [*] Mobile - Chat [*] Mobile - UI Push to talk button [*] Mobile - Option to open the pause menu by dedication UI button or pressing the back arrow on your phone. [*] Mobile - There is a dedicated UI button for running [*] If you are released from solitary 20 seconds before the day ends you will be teleported to your cell automatically to prevent guards from camping outside the solitary. [*] You can now bind to mouse keys. [*] The microphone indicator UI will only be displayed when your microphone gets input from you. [*] Added that when you get more buy/search points as a guard you will see +1 +2.. [*] When a prisoner steps on a trap everyone will hear a click sound so the notification will be more noticeable. [*] If you are in solitary and a guard finds illegal items in your storage you will not become wanted. [/list] [h1]Changed[/h1] [list] [*] Mobile - in the mobile version some of the settings will be different. [*] Now you can disable the ambient occlusion for extra performance. [*] Layout of some of the UI [*] Now there is a limit of 4 traps per guard. [*] The restricted area tag will be visible also to guards so they will know when they are in a restricted area. [*] Even if you lower the texture resolution, the UI elements quality will not change. [/list] [h1]Fixed[/h1] [list] [*] If you pressed enter as a guard it opened the cameras/shop sometimes. [*] You could see the underground key in the crafting menu on the new map. [/list] [h1]Media[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41976139/da307a347017f302738da80af0b81f88e0c20e71.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41976139/ee5d268c934efef1824e4848b0dab8f2aac56054.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41976139/39cf3be6fc0ca5ac8207636dd02e10bddaa4e8c5.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41976139/945e29dd958901eac609c012b0847b6127803781.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41976139/9b8ef649195de38736d6b5762ba5c9f2f24351a5.png[/img]