Update - Vegetation Update

Ship Simulator Realistic

Ship Simulator Realistic experience the real simulation. The game will be based on a free roam aspect to explore the Greece Scenery in a physics based game , realistic handling and many more features.

[b]Update[/b] [list] [*] Trees and vegetation [*] Removed Unnecessary UI in main scene [*] Ballast panel changes [*] Tweak Some UI elements [*] Ballast Panel Flow Control Redesign [*] Minimap Fixes on NorthUp - Course mode [*] Updated Terrain Textures [*] Fuel Consumptions to ship [*] Physics Tweaks to all ships [*] General Optimizations [*] Throttle are reset when the ship turns over [/list] [b]MP changes[/b] [list] [*] You can now move - Easy Close the player panel [/list] Your honest feedback, opinion , and ideas are very important. Everyone is welcome to our discord Community -> https://discord.gg/KJFmMTB