HexLab is a logical game with a relaxing atmosphere and original gameplay.
Graphics improved:
[*]The image is now "softer" when you move the camera.
[*]Animations have become more smooth.
[*]Flicker of glow effects has been fixed.
[*]Added illumination for tiles that can be removed at the phase of field destruction.
[*]Added an option for difficulty level.
[*]Multiplayer improved.
[*]Fixed a bug where the game stopped during the shrinking of the field.
[*]Now it does not count as a move, if you put hex from where.
[*]A hint was given for describing the hex of the enemy, if you point the cursor at it.
[*]The skill to block tiles now blocks tiles for only one move, not the entire match.
[*]Added a hint for inaccessible hexes, describing the conditions for their availability.
[*]Reduced the time for hints to appear.
[*]Improved design of interface elements.
[*]Fixed bug of inaccessibility of the third level.
[*]The intro video has been altered.
[*]Added a hint for the skill of the drone and color selection in the campaign scene.
[*]Increased the hitbox for the click to change the drones in the campaign scene.
[*]Changed the design of hints.
[*]Fixed sticking of hints when hovering over the enemy hex during the stack placing.
[*]Fixed saving deletion.
[*]The tutorial for the campaign has been altered.
[*]Fixed minor bugs.