Update 0.20.1 - Angry Bears revamp (June 10th)

Adventurezator: When Pigs Fly

The Adventurezator is an emergent adventure game about creating emergent adventure games! When Pigs Fly is our adventure campaign of courage, intrigue, and betrayal (and dumbness) - created using the Adventurezator itself!

We strongly recommend a replay of the second level (Angry Bears) after today's update, as it has received a good revamping, getting rid of the pixel hunting annoyance (while you still need to hunt for objects, but you need only find 2 amongst the 5 available in the level), and adding some more puzzly puzzles with the fish, using the new Ignitable mechanics. 0.20.1, June 10th: - Added: Ignitables / Igniters (affects logs, torches, fireplace, cooking spot, firepit, torches) - Added: Mounted and wieldable torches - Added: Basic cooking - raw -> cooked meats (fish, steak, chicken) - Fixed: Some game breaking bugs on the Village Level. - Fixed: Several other issues - Improved: Angry Bears puzzles and playability