Make your own items and worlds, share them, hang out and play with your friends. Enter a world made out of cubes where creativity has no limit!
We've made significant enhancements to the app's stability with our latest two updates. Come experience the difference for yourself!
[h2][b]Changelog 0.0.63 (February 12, 2024)[/b][/h2]
[*] Fixes with text inputs and some virtual keyboards
[*] Various bugs fixes and optimizations
[h2][b]Changelog 0.0.64 (February 27, 2024)[/b][/h2]
[*] Draw calls optimizations
[*] Improve use of multi-core CPUs
[h3]Item Editor:[/h3]
[*] No more red blocks inside wearable items
[*] Improved sound attenuation based on distance
[*] Added MinRadius to AudioSource
[*] Fixes on Ray type