Upcoming Update! Codename: Juicy!


Nibû is a real-time strategy game set in an alternate history ancient near east. Build, expand and fortify yourself in different scenarios to fight the oncoming armies of the allied hordes.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33942207/425f0f97d373a82c895cfed15e52d3027f8bd1a5.png[/img] Greetings, As some of you probably know, there is a very large update on its way, probably at the end of this week. Also known as the juicy update. There is a huge amount of changes to a lot of existing gameplay functions and a dozen new ones. Here is a rundown of the[b] changes[/b]: [list] [*] [u]New Gamemode:[/u] The Skirmish game mode is on its way: Challenge the Maggot, Crow, Tyrant, Pharao and The Talesteller in multiple Skirmish scenarios. All the factions have their unique characteristics and tactics. [*] Endless Survival Mode: Another new game mode suited for those who love to see how far they can get with their skill in Nibû. Be challenged by hundreds of waves and try your best to survive as long as you can. This mode will feature it's own Leaderboards! [*] Better villager AI: Finally after some updates on the villager AI, this version will target the pathfinding around very narrow places, especially close to resource buildings [*] Lots of new units, enemy buildings, and other exiting content. [*] Map parameters: More customization in the normal game mode, as well as in all the other game modes. [*] Improved graphics: Nibû continues to evolve, even in that field. Some of the maps have been reworked, and the new ones feature lots of special [*] Game balance: Lots of changes in game balance, costs have been reworked, waves changed. The game dynamic has definitely changed for the better. This included changes in population costs as well. [*] Resource systems are getting an update. [*] Game difficulty range will adapt to appeal players from all backgrounds: Casuals, RTS veterans, City building fans will be able to enjoy Nibû. There are many more changes that I'll cover on the update log. [/list] Feel feel to share your thoughts! Enjoy the game and stay tuned for the juicy update!