⚔️ Upcoming - Mentorship - Fun Gold Tournament ⚔️

Crystal Clash

Crystal Clash is a mix of Lane Battles and Deckbuilding - with action-packed tug-of-war strategy, just like your favorite RTS mods from back in the day! :) Play 2v2 or co-op with a friend, or pair up with new allies and enemies! Collect cards, build your decks and have fun crushing your enemies!

[b]Start:[/b] Saturday, 3rd of August, 6:30pm CET Checkin: 60minutes prior to start Register as free agent on Battlefy. [b]Special Rule: Mentorship[/b] For this tournament, we want to form fair teams by bringing less and more experienced players together and thus also help the newer players to improve their skills. Therefore, we will put all players into categories and then form teams of equal strength. 1. Veterans (Having won a gold tournament before) - Level 3 2. Advanced Players (Having won a leaderboard badge, a non gold tournament, and/or more than 300h of playtime in CC) - Level 2 3. New(er) Players (The rest) - Level 1 ------- **Prizes:** 1st - 2000 :Crystals: + Fun Tournament Winner Badge 2nd - 1500 :Crystals: 3rd - 1000 :Crystals: All participants who played all their games - 500 :Crystals: Registration and details: https://battlefy.com/crystal-clash/crystal-clash-fun-mentorship-tournament/66a76fea01e3f503daf15c4b/info [h2]Want more fun games by Crunchy Leaf?[/h2] Our next game is Galactic Glitch, an Action-Roguelike where you can grab and throw anything on the battlefield: Asteroids, missiles, and even the enemies themselves! We want to make it just as fun and enjoyable as Crystal Clash. So just like with CC, we would love to hear your feedback on the game, so we can keep making it better! 🎮 Wishlist it now on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1536620/Galactic_Glitch_Infinitys_Edge/