Unyielding's sequel


Unyielding is a NSFW D&D style adventure game. Catelly lost everything, wakes up in the gutter, and starts to take her life back. There will be lots of heroism, laughter, tears, and sex along the way.

Fallen Down, the sequel to Unyielding, now has as a steam page. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2614280/Fallen_Down/ Set 25 years after the events of the first game, the next generation of Troubleshooters embark on a quest to put cosmic wrongs right. The backstory for Fallen Down is a combination several of the endings of Unyielding. I could never make everyone happy with how a sequel would work with a game that has multiple endings, but I did the best I could. Please consider adding Fallen Down to your wishlist if you liked Unyielding!