Unveil the Resource Secrets Hidden in Every Province’s Climate!

Trade Conquest

Rise from a cunning strategist to a powerful ruler. Master economic warfare, manipulate global events, and build industries or armies to conquer the world. Every decision in this modern Grand Strategy game shapes your ascent to power—will you rise through wealth or force?

Dear Gamers, We’re excited to share more about how climates will affect resource availability in [b]Trade Conquest[/b]. Our game offers a dynamic approach to resource distribution, where provinces will be randomly assigned up to 12 different resources, depending on the [b]climate[/b]. Although a few exceptions may allow some preset resources in unexpected climates, most provinces will follow the guidelines below—so be sure to plan accordingly as you expand! Additionally, keep in mind that the further you build from your capital, the higher your transportation costs will be. Every playthrough brings unique challenges as you won’t know exactly what to expect with each new game. Here’s a breakdown of where you can expect to find resources based on the climate: [h3]Tropical Rainforest[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Silver, Iron, Nickel, Titanium, Copper, Calcium, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Bauxite [b]Agriculture:[/b] Bananas, Cattle, Coconut, Cocoa, Cotton, Coffee, Exotic Woods, Fish, Lumber, Oranges, Pineapple, Pork, Poultry, Rubber, Silk, Soybeans, Sugar, Water [b]Flexible:[/b] Glass, Aspergillus Terrus [h3]Tropical Savanna[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Silver, Iron, Nickel, Titanium, Copper, Calcium, Bauxite [b]Agriculture:[/b] Bananas, Cattle, Coconut, Cotton, Cocoa, Coffee, Exotic Woods, Fish, Lumber, Oranges, Pineapple, Pork, Poultry, Rubber, Soybeans, Sugar, Water [b]Flexible:[/b] Glass, Aspergillus Terrus [h3]Arid[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Iron, Titanium, Lithium, Uranium, Graphite, Copper, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Fluorite, Calcium, Silica Stone [b]Agriculture:[/b] Goats, Pork, Poultry, Sheep [b]Flexible:[/b] Salt, Asphalt, Glass [h3]Semiarid[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Iron, Titanium, Uranium, Copper, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Lithium, Silica Stone, Silver, Fluorite, Calcium, Graphite, Bauxite [b]Agriculture:[/b] Cattle, Cotton, Goats, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn [b]Flexible:[/b] Asphalt, Glass, Salt [h3]Moderate Dry[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Iron, Copper, Calcium [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cotton, Goats, Grapes, Lemon, Olives, Oranges, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Spices, Wheat, Corn, Sugar [b]Flexible:[/b] Opium Poppy, Glass, Aspergillus Terrus, Penicillium [h3]Moderate Humid[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Iron, Copper [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cotton, Exotic Woods, Grapes, Goats, Lumber, Mint, Olives, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Spices, Wheat, Corn, Sugar [b]Flexible:[/b] Glass, Penicillium, Opium Poppy, Aspergillus Terrus, Asphalt [h3]Temperate[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Iron, Coal, Copper, Graphite, Calcium [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cotton, Grapes, Cattle, Goats, Lumber, Mint, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Wheat, Corn, Sugar [b]Flexible:[/b] Penicillium [h3]Continental Long[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Iron, Coal, Copper, Graphite, Silver, Fluorite, Calcium [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cattle, Goats, Grapes, Lumber, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Wheat, Corn, Sugar [b]Flexible:[/b] Penicillium, Opium Poppy [h3]Continental Short[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Iron, Coal, Copper, Graphite, Calcium, Silver, Fluorite, Uranium [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cattle, Goats, Lumber, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Wheat, Corn, Sugar [h3]Grasslands[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Copper, Iron, Coal [b]Agriculture:[/b] Cattle, Goat, Sheep, Pork, Poultry, Fish, Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Corn, Cotton [h3]Tropical Highlands[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Iron, Uranium, Copper, Coal, Calcium, Silver, Fluorite, Lithium [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Coffee, Cotton, Grapes, Lemons, Olives, Oranges, Cattle, Goats, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Spices, Llamas, Water [b]Flexible:[/b] Aspergillus Terreus, Penicillium [h3]Highlands[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Gold, Iron, Uranium, Copper, Coal, Calcium, Silver, Fluorite [b]Agriculture:[/b] Apples, Cotton, Cattle, Goats, Pork, Poultry, Sheep, Water [h3]Polar[/h3] [b]Mining, Oil and Gas:[/b] Coal, Uranium, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Nickel [b]Agriculture:[/b] Fish, Goats, Sheep, Water As you explore Trade Conquest, take advantage of the randomized distribution of resources to shape your strategies and tactics. Each game will be different, challenging you to adapt and overcome. Thank you for your continued support, and happy strategizing! Best, GrandPaw Games