Until Dawn - Patch 1.06 ⚙️🛠️

[h3][i][b]Unfortunately, the PC patch requires a little more testing, so we have to delay the release slightly. It will be released sometime this week. We will update this post once it's available. In the meantime, the PS5 patch is now live. The patch notes below are appropriate for both PS5 and PC, so PC players will know what to expect later in the week![/b][/i][/h3] [h3][b][i]Update 8th November 2024: 1.06 is now live for PC![/i][/b][/h3] Welcome back, friends and fans! Until Dawn [b]Patch 1.06[/b] is now live for PS5 and PC. To avoid spoilers, we've included some spoiler tags below. You've been warned! This major update brings a boat-load of fixes for commonly reported issues, plus new Performance and Fidelity modes for both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Pro. ✨[b]What's New for 1.06[/b] [list] [*]Performance Mode (PS5 & PS5 Pro only, prioritises FPS) [*]Fidelity Mode (PS5 & PS5 Pro only, prioritises Graphics) [*]Monitor switching support for PC [/list] 🔧 [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fix for anti-virus interfering with the game and the crash reporter [*]Fix for a crash that occurred when pausing the game during pre-rendered videos [*]Fix for character models appearing briefly when pausing the game [*]Fix for CPU performance issues on PCs where the system supports Ray tracing but it is not enabled [*]Fix for Mike being stuck in the Sanatorium during Chapter 5 (Wolfie cutscene not triggering) [*]Fix for extremely slow shader complilation speeds & crashes when Frame Generation is enabled [*]Fix for several 'soft-lock' scenarios (Stranger missing in Chapter 8, Mike stuck in Sanatorium Psych Ward in Chapter 9, Sam stuck after window cutscene in Chapter 9, Mike stuck in Sanatorium lower level during Chapter 5) [*]Fix for choppy/tearing pre-rendered videos [*]Fix for Streamer Mode tracks not muting correctly [*]Fix for descriptions on Pause Menu for How to Play & Dialogue History [*]Environment lighting optimisations in picnic area of Chapter 2 [*]Fix for Mike floating above the ground after picking up the lantern during Chapter 3 [*]Default Steam Deck quality is now appropriate to the device [*]Fix for a crash that occurred during the lodge fight in Chapter 2 [*]Updates to deer model fur cards [*]Fix for Emily's flare not lighting correctly during Chapter 8 [*]Fix for Josh missing facial animations [spoiler]during Psycho reveal in Chapter 8[/spoiler] [*]Fix for LOD issues in the environment when playing as Mike in Chapter 8 [*]Fix for music stopping unexpectedly when continuing to play Prologue [*]Deep snow material optimisations for High quality settings [*]Scalability balancing tweaks for high end PC and PS5 Performance modes [*]Fix for Mike's torch flame jitter during Chapter 9 [*]Fix for Sam's looping animation during rock pickup during Chapter 10 [*]Fix for Sam and Mike floating when entering the lodge in Chapter 10 [*]Fix for lodge disappearing during Chapter 8 [*]Fix for Jess 'Hug a bear' VO line not triggering as expected in Chapter 2 🐻 [*]Upgrading TSR to Unreal 5.4 to improve ghosting on character hair [*]Optimisation for snow system that caused some minor CPU performance issues on PCs with a lower core count [*]Fix for Sam sinking into the ground when entering the body of water in Chapter 10 [*]Fix for film grain running at incorrect frame rate [*]Fix for Mike and Sam's lip sync being incorrect during the 'flood door' cutscene in Chapter 10 [*]Fix for Native American Letter clue examine text [*]Fix for a collision issue during Emily's exploration of the mines in Chapter 7 [*]Fix for Emily missing facial animation during chase sequence in Chapter 8 [*]Fix for Emily clipping issues during cable car shimmy sequence in Chapter 5 [*]Fix for Sam clipping issues during conversation with Chris in Chapter 2 [*]Fix for rendering issue during Mike's Old Mask choice in Chapter 2 [*]Fix for Mike and Sam briefly disappearing when climbing back into the water in Chapter 10 [*]Adjustments to benchmarking for lower-spec PCs [*]Adjustments to intensity of Matt's scared facial animation during pause menu [*]Fix for issues with motion blur [*]Fix for Mike's incorrect facial animation [spoiler]after finding Jess in the elevator shaft in Chapter 4[/spoiler] [*]Fix clipping issues on the Stranger's head/beanie in Chapter 8 [*]Fix for Sam's face appearing swollen during the Chris introduction in Chapter 1 [*]Fix for Jess' hair popping during the police tape discussion in Chapter 2 [*]Fix for Stranger's missing flamethrower during Chapter 8 [*]Fix for Dr Hill's hand slam SFX on desk occurring too late during Chapter 1 [*]Fix for Jess animation loop when waiting for Mike to push the minecart in Chapter 2 [*]Fix for looping SFX on the lantern when shooting the lock off the gate in Chapter 5 [*]Fix for Ashley breathing too loudly [spoiler]when interacting with Sam's sketchbook in Chapter 6[/spoiler] [*]Added low video memory warning to the beginning of the game (for PC configurations lower than minimum spec) [*]Added a warning in the boot flow if an unsupported renderer (e.g. DX11) is being used. [/list] 🧠 [b]Known Issues/Fixes to come[/b] [i](issues we are aware of, and are actively working on fixes for)[/i] [list] [*]We have temporarily disabled FSR Frame Generation for Nvidia 40-series graphics cards due to severe performance issues. We will look to address this for the next patch. [*]Virtual Shadow Maps not working as intended (only currently working in menus, disabled elsewhere due to bugs) [*]Initial "Preparing Shaders" screen will be replaced with a background operation in the main menu [*]Stutters in Chapter 9 Sanatorium section as Mike [*]"Show Global Stats" setting not functioning as intended [*]TAA can be toggled on when using DLSS/FSR [*]PC Don't Move key remapping not functioning as intended [*]It's Shining trophy/achievement not unlocking unless collectibles are obtained in one playthrough [*]Players have reported rendering issues (missing crosshairs, etc). Please note that Until Dawn requires DirectX 12 as a minimum, and running on DX11 will likely cause rendering issues in-game. [/list] Stay safe... it's dark out there. 💀⛰️ [i]-Ballistic Moon[/i] [img]https://shared.fastly.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/2172010/ss_6f75b5031bef8908668896f6b73a876e26dcfbab.jpg?t=1729272493[/img]