Unlucky Seven will take you on a space walk and tell you a story about love, hate, and craving for human flesh.
Today Yod (our screenwriter) will talk about our inspirations which influenced the final shape of the project.
One of you (greetings to the Kekistani Preacher) asked what is inspiring us while creating Unlucky. So it happens that it is my turn to write an article.
I decided to divide my inspirations into the three categories and gave them very generalizing names, but the descriptions should brighten them up.
The categories are:
1. Involuntary inspirations.
2. Genre inspirations.
3. Stylistic inspirations.
Involuntary inspirations have the deepest roots - their inclusion is fully automatic. The author has to stain their work with what they are soaked with.
While writing dialogues, I often catch myself on making the characters sound similar to the ones of the Polish TV series The World According to the Kiepski Family, or on creating a scene which looks like it was based on Cow and Chicken from the old Cartoon Network. I watch a lot of football matches, so my favorite club colors will resound throughout the game. More than a half of the script is produced while listening to Ghost's music. Therefore, it is safe to say that the influence of Papa Emeritus and the Nameless Ghouls is more than just a butterfly effect ;).
[i]Involuntary inspiration[/i]
Genre inspirations are about the artwork I'm trying to imitate in some way. Games made by TellTale (especially The Wolf Among Us), Life is Strange, Oxenfree, and Firewatch are the ones I use most often as my role-models. How to set a camera? How to make an interactive dialogue engaging? How to stress the consequences of a decision? If you do not know how to do something, there is a high probability that analyzing these games will help. I'm not talking about blindly copying from them. We would not be able to do that even if we wanted to, because we have to make our game work in virtual reality while paying a tribute to slashers, including their form. Those design decisions force us to work out some new solutions where old ones don't work anymore.
Slashers seem to have the most influence on my screenplay and gameplay choices. I immersed myself in the genre, systematically watching movies and reading works devoted to their style, form, and history. By the way, Unlucky Seven will have a reference to every slasher which was created in 1970-2000 (taking various definitions into account). References will also include additional influential productions from the 60s, films from the borderline of the genre, or really slashing ones which can't be classified as slashers. Usually references are very "delicate". They are destined just to add some flavor. Unlucky Seven will not be a pop-culture collage, but a postmodern wink to slasher lovers. Well, maybe a few winks... or allergic conjunctivitis.
[i]Genre inspiration[/i]
Stylistic inspirations are the ones that set us apart from other story-driven games and slasher movies. They help us to make the stuff that I wrote
about in the previous paragraph look fresh and original. We're bringing the slasher genre to our own Cyberpunk oriented science-fiction style. Naturally, it is forced by the setting. Interestingly, we are drawing on Nicolas Winding Refn's productions. Just look at Paweł's concept of the motel.
[i]Stylistic inspiration[/i]
And here's a bonus concept for the teaser trailer made by myself, just so you know that Paweł and Dawid are not the only artists in our team.
[i]My awesome artwork[/i]
Tune in next time.
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