Unbox is at MCM Comicon!

Unbox: Newbie's Adventure

Unbox: Newbie's Adventure is a 90s style 3D platformer about the ultimate postal service, self-delivering cardboard boxes! Unbox: Newbie's Adventure has giant worlds full of challenges, collectibles and boxy boss battles!

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25938353/0934f8486e8d4bfb83e6266ca19e607bd1bc628e.jpg[/img] Unbox will be in London for MCM Comicon, the UK's biggest modern pop culture event! For three days we'll be at the Excel center exhibiting Unbox to thousands of people. We'll have multiple stands, stickers and a chance to win free copies of Unbox, so come on over and say "Hi"! [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25938353/5018f3550be0cc6f1f2bc89a00af2620b610553b.jpg[/img] It's been just two days since the Humble Indie Gem Bundle went live and over 50,000 bundles have been sold. A big welcome to all of our new players who we hope are enjoying the crazy world of Unbox! Finally, we have a very spooky announcement coming very soon! Make sure to follow us for all the latest Unbox updates: Facebook: [url=]https://www.facebook.com/prospectgames/[/url] Twitter: [url=]https://twitter.com/ProspectGames[/url] Unbox Mailing List: [url=]http://eepurl.com/caLOWj[/url]