Tyranny Patch Notes -


Experience a story-driven RPG where your choices mean all the difference in the world.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/16863592/d26b38061241c704458dd207999841f2feb83b14.jpg[/img] This patch addresses issues that were preventing players from completing various quests after the 1.2.0 update. Below are a list of the specific fixes that are included in this update, please note that many of these notes contain spoilers for the DLC and end game content: [list] [*]Companions wielding Penumbra can now be removed from the party without causing errors. [*]Fixed a rare case where players could no longer leave Bastard's Wound after completing the content there. [*]Armor values now correctly recalculate after loading a save for a character with a stance that affects armor. [*]Added localized text for several lines that were displaying English text. [*]Readded a missing line of Graven Ashe's Dialog. [/list] [list] [b]Spoilers[/b] [*]Locations within Bastard's Wound now unlock more consistently regardless of the order quests are completed in. [*]Teleporters in Bastard's Wound now correctly route to the locations. [*]Bleden Mark now correctly appears in Asheweald after dealing with the Voices of Nerat as part of 'The Third Degree' quest. [*]Final quest now triggers if Graven Ashe is the last Archon to submit to the Fatebinder, while the quest 'Never Free' is active. [*]'Knapping on the Job' now updates correctly if the Forge-bound are no longer in Lethian's Crossing when the Fatebinder goes to speak with them. [*]'The Weight of the Aegis' quest will now advance if Barik is brought to Lohara after getting Lohara to agree to examine Barik.