Twogether: Project Indigos is an adventure that will not leave you indifferent!

Twogether: Project Indigos Chapter 1

Twogether: Project Indigos is a single player third person puzzle adventure. Set in the frightening Hexacells facilities, Twogether will pose original puzzles that will only be solvable by collaboration.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43129550/0b4902aaa6672d4e2339b67ed85346917bfe5b42.png[/img] [h1]Twogether: Project Indigos is an adventure that will not leave you indifferent![/h1] [i]Twogether: Project Indigos[/i] is a title loaded with [b]puzzles, supernatural powers and a beautiful story of friendship[/b] that aims to leave no one indifferent with a clear objective for our two protagonists: [b]escape from the impregnable laboratory of Hexacells[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43129550/eaf83180bf33d033f5e073c809843dde852cc1c0.jpg[/img] Rafi and Sam are the two protagonists of this [b]single-player third-person adventure[/b]r in what can be considered as a real [b]Scape Room[/b], in which the [b]collaboration between both characters[/b] will be the key to success. However, they will not only count on each other's help but also on their [b]incredible abilities and powers[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43129550/bb925a6f6f16d441a32484eed1ed5e8d1c521b1c.jpg[/img] Think, examine, evaluate and act consistently keeping in mind all the elements of the environment if you want[b]your decisions to succeed in overthrowing this real fortress[/b]. A sequence of original [b]puzzles and riddles[/b] that make Hexacells a unique and mysterious place. [b]Featured content:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Setting:[/b] Discover Hexacells, a laboratory that clandestinely researches with [b]children with supernatural powers[/b]. [*] [b]Puzzles:[/b] face [b]intricate puzzles[/b] in which it will be key to combine both powers. [*] [b]Powers:[/b] [b]teleport[/b] to unreachable places as Sam and [b]move objects at a distance[/b] with Rafi's telekinesis. [*] [b]Friendship:[/b] live together with Rafi and Sam the adventure in which [b]they will discover friendship[/b] for the first time while escaping from Hexacells. [*] [b]Now available on [url=]PS4[/url] and [url=]Steam[/url][/url][/b] [/list]