Troy Baker isn't in Borderlands 3 because Gearbox wouldn't go union

Tales from the Borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands is a five-part episodic game set on the unforgiving world of Pandora between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3. This is a story full of Borderlands' trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness.

Remember Tales From The Borderlands? Quite nice, that. Way back when, Telltale took Gearbox’s blockbuster and ditched the rubbish bits (most of the memes, all of the shooting) and made quite a brilliant little story. Now, we all know what happened to Telltale – so it was refreshing news when it appeared at least one Tales character would be returning in Borderlands 3, Troy Baker’s leading lad Rhys.

But while Rhys returned, Baker did not. Now the prolific voice actor claims Gearbox’s anti-union policies were behind his failure to return to the Borderlands.
