Trivia Tricks is a quiz game featuring 8-player online where friends play free with Friend Pass! Play competitively against your friends or team up to take on trivia bosses in Co-Op! Pick from a ton of categories including user-created Quiz Packs in Steam Workshop!
Hello everyone! This is a small patch which addresses the following...
[list][*] Fixed a bug where, when playing 'Vs Boss Mode' or having "Visible Answers" enabled, the players answer notches were being slightly overlapped by the answer buttons.
[*] Some backend changes to our netcode in preparation of supporting an upcoming feature... 📸 Stay tuned!
[/list]Like what we’re doing? Hit the thumbs up below this news post! Have more detailed thoughts? Consider leaving a [url=][b]Steam Review[/b][/url] letting us know what you think. Have a great idea you want to see implemented? Come chat with us devs in the [url=][b]Official Discord![/b][/url] Thank you for following Trivia Tricks!