Experience with TramSim the most modern tram simulator, which impresses with photo-realistic graphics and as first location the Austrian capital Vienna in a virtual reality that has never been seen before.
[h3]In this patch, bugs with the map, AI and the vehicle E1 were fixed.[/h3]
[h3]The changelog in detail:[/h3]
[*]Bugfix: Ground markings at Julius-Raab-Platz wer corrected
[u]Vehicle E1[/u][list]
[*]Bugfix: When manually pulling open a door on the switched off sidecar, the other door wing opened electrically
[*]Bugfix: In the emergency brake notch the emergency signal sounded mistakenly
[*]Bugfix: If the brake release button was pressed 4x in a row, the Geamatic didn't ran back to the original brake level
[*]The door animation was improved
[*]Different doors now have different sounds
[u]AI pedestrians[/u][list]
[*]Bugfix: At the stop Wittelsbachstraße pedestrians crossed the street on red light
[*]Bugfix: In the exterior mirrors, the animations were sometimes not displayed correctly for passengers, which led to jumping
We hope you keep on enjoying the E1 and have a nice summer!
[i]Your TramSim Team[/i]