A 3D bullet hell mid-air hunting action game based on the Touhou Project. Fly freely through the air and face down humongous foes with both melee action and 3D bullet patterns (Danmaku)!
Touhou Mechanical Scrollery flies onto Steam! This Touhou Project-inspired game by Mikosan Mannes combines airial 3D bullethells and hunting action games!
Fly freely through the air as Reimu or Marisa and hunt down humongous foes while gracefully weaving through hundreds of 3D danmaku attacks! Touhou Mechanical Scrollery combines hunting action with bullethell for something completely new to the Touhou series!
Developed by
[url=https://miko3saho.com]巫女さん作法[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/miko3saho]Twitter[/url]
Published by
[url=https://phoenixx.ne.jp]Phoenixx Inc.[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/Phoenixx_Inc]Twitter[/url]