Touhou Ikyouroku ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou will release on 30th Sept.

东方异乡录 ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou

《东方异乡录 ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou》是一款东方Project主题的短篇视觉小说游戏。主要讲述了在河城荷取的邀请下,雾雨魔理沙、爱丽丝·玛格特洛依德、帕秋莉·诺蕾姬三人在虚拟世界“Apocryphal Land”中冒险的爆笑喜剧故事。

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42541643/940a4a7f4f6813bdb9be42c9f4b5ad2701038c52.jpg[/img] We are pleased to announce that Touhou Ikyouroku ~the Apocryphal Gensoukyou will release on 30th Sept. with a discount price at 12 CNY. The game includes a prologue and three chapters, as well as an Ending and an epilogue. You can also unlock an additional story. YEARS STUDIO is an amateur game production group composed of three people. Due to technical limitations, problems and bugs are inevitable. You can feedback below or try to join QQ Group: 486013938