A bullet hell roguelike game. Players can utilize characters with different abilities, collect and assemble powerful items. Dance through an unending barrage of bullets to save both yourself and Touhou Gensokyo from the darkness that is engulfing everything.
[h1]Touhou Endless Dreamv1.0 2021/10/29[/h1]
[h2]No more early access! The full version is out![/h2]
[h3]New hidden ending[/h3]
★We added a new hidden ending and a high difficulty boss
★Maybe the four characters beside Rumia will have a clue?
[h3]BOSS remake[/h3]
★We remade Daiyousei, Seija and Koshi
★They now have much more spectacular and interesting moves
○Fixed the bug of Suika upgrades
○Fixed a controller bug
○Fixed some other miscellaneous bugs
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.9.4 2021/7/18[/h1]
[h3]New useable character[/h3]
○It’s Aya Shameimaru arriving on the battlefield!
○She can summon in a wave and blow away the bullets
○She can summon hurricane that whirl away the bullets
○She moves at a ridiculous speed
○She has hidden upgrades ready to be unlocked!
○Have a go with her!
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.9.3 2021/3/30[/h1]
[h3]New upgreades from NPC Remilia[/h3]
○Reimu could change her Ultra skill to summon a Giant gohei
○Marisa could change her normal attack to a Mirage ray
○Marisa could change her dash into a comet dash, which greatly increase the tange, AOE, and damage
○Youmu could change her ultra skill to Slash of Circular Vicissitude
○Suika could change her normal attack to spit gitant fireball
○Suika could turn really, really huge with her ultra, which increase the AOE but uses more mana
○Suika could deal damage to enemies in her mist mode
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.9.2 2021/1/7[/h1]
[h3]New playable character[/h3]
○It seems that we reached 10000 copies
○Here she comes, Ibuki Suika!!!
○She spits FIRE!
○She can turn big and trample the enemies!
○She can turn to mist!
○She lights people on FIRE!
○Have a go with her!
○adjusted the zoom on some large maps
★A single run's ruins number increases, and the enemies number in every level slightly decreases
○Now finishing the level will not drop items everytime, instead sometimes it will be boxes of money or fragments
★Yukari's invitation no longer requires finishing the run, only depends on how many times you've tried
[h3]Random NPC[/h3]
★Added a few NPCs that you might encounter during the run
★You can interact with them
★Remilia, she can upgrade your attack
★Yuyuko, she can give you a special food
○Alice, she will give you some small gifts
[h3]Balance agustments[/h3]
★Youmu's normal attack were silghtly nerfed
★Fixed a switching bug between Japanese and Korean
○What else...I kinda forgot...It's been a long time...
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.8.10 2020/12/3[/h1]
[h3]New Playable character[/h3]
○Because we really wanted to make a character that is more of a melee focused fighting style
○Konpaku Youmu has arrived
○She will chop up the enemies with her katana
○She will chop up the bullets with her katana
○She will chop in a triple slash combo
○She will chop while dashing
○She will chop up close and personal(Do I really need to explain this?)
○She will be available, have a go
★Added some special conversation between specific characters
[h3]Interaction and optimization [/h3]
○Tweaked the response time during dash so it is more fluid instead of clanky
○Now if your item slots or bag is full, you will no longer be dashed blocked because of that
[h3]Item drops[/h3]
★Since there’s more characters, we’d increased the leaf’s drop chance
[h1]EndlessDream v0.8.9 2020/11/28[/h1]
○The breakages number of sentry’s shield changed from 4 to 15
★The mana regeneration of nuclear waste decreased
○Now an elite chest will be part of the boss drop
○the drop rate of elite chest will be very high
○You can now choose one out of the three items from the chests
★Sakuya will really enter low speed mode when stacking up her knives
[h1]EndlessDream v0.8.8 2020/11/21[/h1]
★Rumia has been nerfed for a bit
★Enemies within Rumia's room has been drastically decreased
○Added Portuguese
[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
★When holding onto the left click Sakuya will now enter her slow-mo mode properly
[h3]New Active items[/h3]
★Kasa-obake,rebound all bullets and damage enemies by meleeing them
★Gungnir,extremely powerful vampric spear gun
★Donation box,instant kill all surrounding enemies and turn them coins that double their original worth
★Scrap Tram purchase permit,hired a tram and ran someone over
★Reporter's camera, happily clear off the bullets
[h1]EndlessDream v0.8.7 2020/11/13[/h1]
○A complete remake on Rumia
○Increased the stateliness of the boss silghtly
She now has three phases and her dark energy increases gradually
○The first phase She will do a very representive bullet fight
○The second phase she will use dark energy to aid herself
○The third phase she will use a dark Master Spark to suppress the player
★The details for the items can now be set hidden in settings to avoid blocking the view
★The key mappings for back to the map and display tutorial can now be changed
★Fixed some Japanese bugs
★Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash occasionally
[h1]EndlessDream v0.8.5 2020/11/04[/h1]
[h3]New playable character[/h3]
○Since we finally reached the 5000 copies goal
○Here She COMES--Izayoi Sakuya!
○She throws knives!
○She throws a lot of knives!
○She freezes time!
○She teleports!
○She may be more useful in mid to long range fights!
○Have a go with her!
○Also...Suika coming soon...5014/10000
[h3]Camp and NPC[/h3]
★Massive improvemts made to the camp
★A little bit of SIMs style blocks, you can now extend the camp through Yukari
★A whole bunch of SIMs things...
★The brightness of the camp will now change along the difficulty, getting darker while the difficulty increases
○New functional NPC: Yakumo Yukari
○You can now bring your buddies to the feast using dark energy
○New functional NPC: Yasaka Kanako
○Dark Fragments can now be harvested as industrial source energy, boosting Kawashiro Nitori's technology, providing free starting tools
○New functional NPC: Kurodani Yamame
○She eats fragments and spins her webs! Weaving different color capets
○And a bunch of NPCs that are useless for now...but maybe later
○Slight adgustments to the graphics that shifts the speech bubbles to the middle when the dialogues are too long
[h3]Screen (motion picture)[/h3]
★Slightly reduced the amount of darkness outside visual range
★Fixed the monster handbook's bug in non-Chinese languages settings
[h3]Utility imporvements[/h3]
★Using a controller or not are now optional when plugged in, you now have to activate this function in settings for it to work
[h1]EndlessDream v0.8.4 2020/10/25[/h1]
★Fixed the bug when holding space will allow player to keep on buying stuff
★Fixed the bug where by moving with controller would cause PC to be transparent
★Fixed the bug where upon cloning Reisen the game will be stuck
[h3]Localization [/h3]
★Fixed a crap ton of translation
★Leaf drop chance increased by 16%
★Marisa’s leaf requirement for her gift has been reduced by 1
★Reisen’s leaf requirement for her gift has been reduced by 1
○Sincere apology for the hardcore comrades out there who has already grinded them
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.8.3 2020/10/23[/h1]
★Controller is now supported
★Controller is now supported
★Controller is now supported
○Just simply plug in the controller, and there should be a very clear instruction in the setting, or tutorial about the button configuration
○Players may choose which stick will be used for attack
★Item description’s transparency has been increased, so as not to block the view that much。
○You may access the setting at the Bonfire and the Big Map
○Tweaked the Boss drop and non-boss item drops, and also increase the bosses’ item drop chance
[h3]Gameplay [/h3]
○You’d think “dead” teammate walking behind you is something that’s not supposed to happen, so, we ‘d decided to mark out the dead by instead, dragging behind the PC , by rope
★Fixed some of the untranslated items
★Fixed the bug with the Bosses’ BGM
★Fixed the bug with Honey crystal that will cause the max HP to get over the real MAX hp
★Fixed the bug with some healing item over , over healing PC over the max hp
[h1]Touhou Endless dream v0.8.2 2020/10/20[/h1]
★There will now be extra fragment after level completion
★With each increase in difficulty tier, there will also be extra fragment rewards
○Fixed the main menu to add the QQ and Discord chat links
★There’s now a toggle to display the player’s hitboxes
★There’s now a toggle to display the HP in numbers
○There’s now a toggle in the setting to display the tutorial
○Rumia and others who could provide PC with upgrades will now have a “!” above their head, until the player talk to them
★Upon using the Big map for the first time, there’s now a VERY clear indication from the PC, informing the player not to let torches to be consumed by the darkness
★Added a number of MP recovery tool, Tsuchigumo, lips stick, Honey crystal, Fox mask
○Reisen’s Ult now summons a max of 7 clones
★Increased Melee weapon’s damage and make them able to destroy projectiles
○Now uncollected encyclopedia entry will be grayed out
○Optimized the black edges of the map
○Optimized the blinking effect of enemy stacks
★Fixed the result screen would force the game to close and return the player to the bonfire upon restart
★Fixed the bug with tutorial and ESC pause menu blocking the view
○Now there’s multiple languages !
○Updated the log’s translation
[h1]Touhou Endless Dream v0.8.1 2020/10/18[/h1]
[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
★Fixed the bug where encyclopedia would be black out for some reason
★Fixed the bug with memory leak
○Added this display (where is the image ???)
○Rumia would only have a full conversation for the first time, further conversation will be sped up
★Clownpiece will light up her own torch, so now players could interact with her upon seeing her
★Fixed the bug with memory leak that causes a loooong load