Toribash 5.65 - 22/01/24 Update


Toribash is an innovative free-to-play online turn-based fighting game where you’re able to design your own moves. Complete control over character's body, hundreds of game mods and bloody mess with full body dismemberment - you've never been able to annihilate your enemies like that before!

[b]Today's update features some minor UI improvements and bug fixes:[/b] [list][*]Weird static noise at the end of custom sounds shouldn't be happening anymore (Windows) [*]Fixed bug with grip indicators not being rendered [*]Fixed bug with some launch arguments getting ignored when having user-defined args on Steam and launching the game via steam://toribash URL [*]Fixed bug with item cards sometimes showing nothing in Battle Pass and Quests screen [*]Battle Pass quests are now additionally sorted by expiry time for convenience [*]Minor UI tweaks to ensure there's no text squashing on item pages in Market[/list]