[h1]Hey everyone, [/h1]
Sharing our updates since the [i]"OCT 2019 PUBLIC DEMO[/i]" that you may have tested out.
We've made plenty of changes from a game overhaul to adding an intro level that is a bit more player-friendly to help those to learn new game mechanics and controls. We've begun creating our inventory system, along with designing a variety of new weapons to choose from. Must we not forget about more bosses and environments. Plenty more listed below in the detailed notes.
Also feel free to join us in our Game Dev's [url=https://discord.gg/NQsZGTe]Discord[/url], let us know of bugs and what you enjoy.
[h2]Featured changes:[/h2]
[b]Gameplay Overhaul[/b]. Game is now smoother to play with many tweaked and enhanced mechanics.
[*] Intro level updated to be more friendly to players.
[*] WIP inventory system.
[*] Separate weapons: Pistol, shotgun, railgun.
[h2]Detailed Notes: [/h2](That's one hell of a list, no pun intended)
[*] Optimized areas with lots of projectiles
[*] Optimized larger or more crowded areas
[*] Optimized all collision detection
[*] It is now easier to perform combos at higher frame rates
[*] The game no longer plays in "slow mo" at lower frame rates
[*] Improved graphics in cave
[*] Updated interface graphics
[*] Updated enemy spawns
[*] Updated Abdiel fight
[*] Fixed issues where it was possible to get stuck inside the environment
[*] Fixed issue where the tank angel could jump out of bounds
[*] Lucifer is now more responsive to input
[*] Lucifer will no longer be willing to wander away after an uppercut
[*] Collision while jumping improved Ledge climbing has been sped up
[*] Enemies no longer get stuck in place
[*] Lucifer will now try to navigate around objects that block his path
[*] Control input updates
[*] Guns outside of demon mode can no longer be charged up
[*] Guns outside of demon mode now have a rechamber time that cannot be skipped by shooting really fast
[*] Re-balanced combos, attack damage, and stamina consumption
[*] Re-balanced enemy attacks, health, damage, and range
[*] Other minor tweaks to how Lucifer feels and plays
[*] Improved enemy AI
[*] Debris from destroying the environment now stays in the world
[*] Debris from destroying the environment may fall off platforms in certain locations
[*] The list goes on… can’t fit them all here.