TitTok 2 - Minimalistic adventure 2D puzzle platformer with cats, explosions and spinning saws! Continuation of the first part. TikTok ≠ TitTok
[h1][b]TitTok 2 - my game is out now! Hooray![/b][/h1]
[b]As always, the quality and attention to detail are at the highest level.
I am also fully ready to correct and fix all the shortcomings you have found!
My technical support is always as fast and prompt as possible, you know that :)[/b]
[b]Collectible cards, backgrounds and emoticons will be added as soon as Steam approves this feature for me. Everything is in your hands, support the game and Steam will allow you to get collectible cards =)[/b]
[b]Dear friends, consider supporting me by buying the TitTok 2 game or adding it to your wishlist! Thank you so much in advance![/b]
[b][i]Sincerely, your Corduroy[/i][/b]
[b]* Write about bugs and errors on the forum, I will fix everything: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1764810/discussions/0/3193619890125370352/]Bugs and other problems[/url][/b]
[b]* A live support chat with the developer is also available: [url=https://s.team/chat/Y5SG9zpR]TitTok Live Support[/url][/b]