Time for Something Really Odd...

Food Truck Simulator

Renovate, equip and restore the shine of the food truck that belonged to your father. Create recipes, cook the food and serve customers across an entire city. Customize and upgrade your food truck to reach more customers and expand your menu.

As you know, every now and then we make a small announcement when friends of us are releasing their game. The game in question is quite a thing and fits the “Time for Something Really Odd” title quite nicely. We know those guys a long time now, but despite their assurances to the contrary, we are convinced they were riding quite a high when they designed this game. There is no other explanation to come up with a game that bonkers, there really isn’t… Just have a look: [previewyoutube=iPnsopDSTc4;full][/previewyoutube] Seriously, if you are up for something completely different, have a look at it: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1133040/Bandit_Brawler/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33288/