Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales now on Steam too

If you fancied the idea of Gwenting through a singleplayer RPG in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales but for whatever reason didn’t buy it from GOG, voila: the card game is now on Steam too. After debuting on GOG on October 23rd, it hit Steam on Friday, 17 days later.

“I’ve seen headlines spinning Thronebreaker as an RPG in its own right, and I could even understand if it was compared to a visual novel at times. But really, it’s a card game with walky bits. And that’s perfectly fine,” our Brendan said in his Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales review. “Because it’s a good card game, with good-looking walky bits. Just don’t go in expecting The Witcher 3.5.”
