This Week In Destiny - 08/29/2024

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world that you and your friends can join anytime, anywhere, absolutely free.

This Week in Destiny, we've gone back to fighting the Vex. The Conductor is trying to set a new pace, but Guardians have always moved at their own tempo and in harmony, like a Choir of One. And we've bested them so many times that you could say this is just an encore. But don't get lost in the melody; let's instead focus on this week's topics: [list] [*] Act III of Echoes and the new Exotic mission are here [*] And you can get an emblem for it! [*] Tune in for our next Bungie Bounty for Good [*] Maui wildfires – your impact one year later [*] Our latest Exotic Armory Collection offering [*] Social media recap [*] Are you going to PAX West? [/list] If you want to jam with us, [url=]you can read the rest of the TWID here[/url].