Jack and Leila Dawes explore real Egyptian pyramids and temples and delve into their mythical underworlds to free themselves from an ancient curse. The extensive traversing and fighting may take a toll on their bodies, but even greater is the burden of the dark calamity tearing at their souls...
Writing the story of Wayfarers was a joint effort. What was already in place and what was added on top of the existing structure?
The first developer article about Call of Osiris just went live on IndieDB. Make sure to check it out if you're interested in how the Wayfarers story took shape!
[url=https://www.indiedb.com/games/wayfarers-call-of-osiris/news/the-wayfarers-story-weaving-what-was-and-what-is-into-a-new-adventure]Article: The Wayfarers story: weaving what was and what is into a new adventure[/url]