The Viceroy - V1.06

The Viceroy

The Viceroy is a turn-based economic strategy sci-fi game. You will rebuild vast regions recently destroyed by disaster, crush rebel fleets, explore a large, far-future tech tree, manage elaborately intertwined economies, respond to emerging events, and earn permanent skills to overcome escalating challenges.

New Features: - A new Patrol option in the Policy Menu makes Fleet 1 automatically move itself to any system where the Rebellion attacks one of your other fleets. - Right clicking Ships in the Fleet Menu now removes it without dragging. - Percentage style Policy settings can now be changed rapidly by holding down the mouse button, just like in the Skills Menu. - Citizens can now be mass assigned at the District level by clicking on an empty production area. - Reduced both memory usage and load times. - Added subtle color coding to Challenges and Projects according to their bonus type. Balance Changes: - Technologies can now be abandoned in the Technology Menu, destroying all non-Protected Projects and Challenge Cures requiring them. Bug Fixes: - Objectives are now Protected upon completion, as was originally intended. - WASD/Arrow navigation in System-Planet-District Menu now retains current sub-page. - Zooming to Systems and Portals in the Territory menu now centers properly. - Added another Options button to the Main Menu to help people whose monitor resolution was incorrectly determined in such a fashion that the options icon in the upper left hand corner was not visible. - Corrected the tool-tip for 'Gift of the Union.'