The Trailer Is Now Available!

The Skyland Chronicles

You are a bloody pirate. Will you make the most of it in the new world and fulfill your destiny? This is your battle, where you'll come face to face with dark creatures from Slavic mythology. Take on the role of a legendary warrior and decide if the world is worth saving.

Only you can discover the amazing world of 'The Skyland Chronicles' - I dare you to step into the shoes of a pirate Franco and be reborn in a Slavic world, full of intrigues of alien races and the brutality of magical beasts. Will you have enough strength to traverse unknown lands and face off against your destiny? We've released an update on our Steam page: -Including a trailer -Adding four in-game screenshots featuring Franco in his pirate days. [previewyoutube=BUBbBlo2Ryk;full][/previewyoutube]